121 Coaching

The Resilient Hairdresser 121 coaching

Have you been promising yourself you will do something about your stress, but you’re too busy to even think about it?

I get it… I’ve been there!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start…. but know something needs to change?

Yep, this was me too, but sadly I let it go for years and I wound up depressed and burnt out.

Now I want to help you conquer overwhelm and burnout before it goes too far and starts to take over your mental and physical health. Maybe you’re already there? Don’t worry it’s never too late to turn it around.

121 coaching is for you if…

  • You can no longer manage your stress
  • You are feeling your only option is to quit hairdressing as you are so stressed with it all
  • You know you are on the road to burn out or are already there
  • You have your own salon and are finding the pressure is wearing you down and you are losing the love for your business
  • You work for yourself and find you are just working too hard and are feeling burnt out
  • You know you need to work on your boundaries….. but are worried about what people will say
  • You are a salon owner struggling with your team
  • You want a more personal experience tailored to your specific problems
  • You feel you need a guide as you have tried to sort your stress and busyness out before but it just never seems to stick

My 121 coaching can help with these problems and much more.

My 30 years of hairdressing experience coupled with my therapy training give me the perfect skill set to help struggling hairdressers. I get it… I can help you as I’ve been you and turned it around!

Now I spend my days empowering other hairdressers through live education workshops and 121 coaching.

I just want to say thank you! I had reached a point where I couldn’t even figure out if I still loved what I did and felt like a zombie of my former self. I decided to take action and talk to someone I thought who could help – AKA Hayley. 

And after the initial interview I felt like I was talking to a friend I had known for many years! She just totally understood me and being a hairdresser herself and I didn’t need to explain things so we could just move on to solving the problems. In just a few weeks I already started clearing space and feeling like I could get ahold of things. Talking to her not only was a great relief but also was showing me new ways I had not thought about to get my life back into a place I felt happy. I’m even now in one of my biggest growth periods since talking to her because my energy is now spent in growing my business not feeling overwhelmed and drained. I would and do recommend Hayley and her services to everyone I know as she is brilliant!



How much is it?
Coaching calls are £159 per hour

How often should I do them?
I would recommend once a week for an hour to begin with, you can reduce down to fortnightly or monthly as you are feeling better if you like. Some people get what they need in one session. My advice is book your first one and take it from there.

How long will it take?
Everyone’s journey is different but I would say many people have turned a lot around in 6-8 weeks

Do I need to book a block? What is the cancellation policy?
No, I prefer to work week by week as this is how I worked as a therapist and I feel it allows a bit more freedom. You are free to take weeks off and you can stay as long as you need. I just ask for payment to secure your next appointment and 48 hours notice to cancel.

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